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I love the effect of this photo. Please teach me how to do this?

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Hi all experts,

Can anyone show me how do I use CS5 or lightroom to retrouch / edit the photo looks like this? The woman's skin in this photo is very smooth and soft, and looks like "cartoon" or "doll". Please teach me? Thanks.

This forum is suck. No expert and so dead. Who maintain this sites? It's a crap site. Shut it down!!
gurus arent here to hold your hand.
try to do it yourself then come back and show your results.
then people can crit it and tell you what you might have done wrong
This forum is suck. No expert and so dead. Who maintain this sites? It's a crap site. Shut it down!!

The thing is, the person who can respond to your request is not always on line at the same time as you post. If the site is busy, your request may get lost or even drop off the what's new and some people only look there. I'm sorry this happened to you, but it has nothing to do with maintenance of the site.

This isn't my area of expertise. Here is a link to a bunch of post processing actions to look through and see if any could help: http://www.thephotoargus.com/freebies/100-outstanding-photoshop-actions-to-enhance-your-photography/

There may be HDR toning involved. Have you tried playing around with HDR? Hopefully someone with more experience in fashion photography (if that's what you'd call it) will come along and have a good answer for you.
Here is a tutorial on creating a "porcelain effect" which is much whiter that I think you want. Still you could create a version of the porcelain that is less intense. You may want to try a layer above the picture to add the pinkish colors, paint them in place and set the layer to soft light or some blend mode. Just some ideas.

Banned and frazzled, be gone turd.
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