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I have Photoshop CS2 keyboard shortcut issues


New Member
I have recently installed Photoshop CS2 on my computer. I have had it on my previous laptop and had created tons of shortcuts for my workflow. When I installed the new version, none of the shortcuts or F-keys would work. (i.e. F2 would put me in Quick Mask mode instead of playing my Flatten action) I had talked to our computer guy about it and he said that Photoshop recognized my keyboard as German (which is not the case, it is English). I have tried resetting the prefs. in Photoshop but that has not helped. I am mainly trying to get my Wacom Intuos pen buttons for increasing/decreasing the brush size. Any help on this topic is greatly appreciated!
CS2 keyboard shortcut issues

Hi Tristan -

By "resetting the prefs", do you mean to PS default? If so, a couple of suggestions (sorry if they are so obvious and you've already tried these!):

1. copy the PS preferences file from your laptop to the new computer.
2. manually set up all the prefs again using Edit/Keyboard Shortcuts from the dropdown menu. It's a pain to start from scratch, but at least you know exactly what you are putting in there!

Hope this helps, good luck!

Cheers -

