I want to remove the guy in the picture. I just received Photoshop cs5.5 but i have no idea how to use it, but would love to learn.
Can any one help me. thanks
Hi tecate. Welcome to PSG.
Why remove the guy and have a woman with half a hand missing, smiling up at blank space ? How long have you had PS? Have you ever used any other photo editing programs? Are you a photographer, a designer?
There have to be a dozen ways to "remove the guy," but until you learn just a few basics in Photoshop, there isn't much help we can give you that will work very well with this image. It's going to take more than the use of one or even two tools.
I might be wrong, but I don't think anyone here wants to give you advice that will result in you getting a shoddy result, and it is probably better to find tutorials on the internet for this until you have a better idea of what you are doing.
My suggestions are: find basic tutorials or a class to learn the basics, such as selection tools, layers and layer properties, use of text and use of color, just to get started. If you insist on working with this photo, look up selections and the different tools you can use to make selections and then to clean them up, since
undoubtedly -- this being your first -- you will need to do so.