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I come seeking help. Take me to your leader.


I am new. I make web comics. I'd like some help making better comics. That's about all. :)

Oh, and you should read my comic. I'd post a link, but I don't have enough posts so the forum won't allow me. If you google Carpe Chaos, you'll find my comic.
Hello, welcome to PSG, nice to have you here. Just burn through your first 10 posts and you can put up links, it's just a measure we use to reduce spam.

Do you use Photoshop to make your comics? There's a lot of people here who can help, just ask and post up some pics and you can get a lot of input.
Thanks Gaussian! You've given me an excuse to make another post!

Photoshop is a core piece of our workflow, although most of the art comes from dedicated drawing programs like Illustrator and OpenCanvas.
Haha, please don't start a lot of unnecessary threads just to up your post count... you can just reply here instead or post your images instead of links.

What is OpenCanvas? I'm not familiar with it.
