I have been tasked(volunteered) with creating a logo design for a technical group in the Northwest. The name is solid but am so new to the creative arena Ive been going in circles with ideas for a month, as well as expressing them in PS. CS6 I have the whole cc suite
The business card design is #1 on list. Should I start with just logo first for the Web? If I have it backward please let me know.
Since our group consists of random experts from most fields I am trying to make something that has "eye appeal"
Sound Technical Partners
Sound - as in Puget Sound (body of water around Seattle area)
Domains owned- soundtechpartners.com, essteepee.com, juststp.com
I would like it to be corporate looking, but our sweet spot market are the customers who buy anything Digital from Costco, Best Buy, Internet, Ebay..etc.
So small business and home systems.
Within our group we offer anything from cleaning software on PC, security package for home network, wifi, Audio/Visual, mentoring, Website creation and deployment. Anything geek, or tech.
The business card design is #1 on list. Should I start with just logo first for the Web? If I have it backward please let me know.
Since our group consists of random experts from most fields I am trying to make something that has "eye appeal"
Sound Technical Partners
Sound - as in Puget Sound (body of water around Seattle area)
Domains owned- soundtechpartners.com, essteepee.com, juststp.com
I would like it to be corporate looking, but our sweet spot market are the customers who buy anything Digital from Costco, Best Buy, Internet, Ebay..etc.
So small business and home systems.
Within our group we offer anything from cleaning software on PC, security package for home network, wifi, Audio/Visual, mentoring, Website creation and deployment. Anything geek, or tech.