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Hue Saturation trick

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I knew of the existence Erik, but like with more things...I forget about it. Thanks for reminding me, because it can be VERY useful. :righton:

This time I WON'T forget ;)
Wow, great tip I never knew about that. Thanks

Hey thanks erik, thats really neat, never knew about that!:righton: :D

Indeed, the QT movie explains this also, and far more visual than I ever could have written it. Thanks for adding the Internet adress.
wow thanks Erik, I have used the individual colours and moved the slider bars for the hue saturation and lightness........ but never those little bars way down the bottom - cool I will check this out.

thanks for the link too - I will go and buy some speakers today so I can hear something [confused]
I took a look at the cutie video, and I must say that I did not see Deke Mclelland use the essence of what I mean. I confess [saywhat] that I didn't write it clearly either, and that I diddit on purpose [slick] to control [:I whether someone would try it out or not.

The essence is: the default setting of Photoshop is that there is a range of hues selected that is going to be changed, but to the left and right , there are sliders (the innermost ones) I slide these together, meaning that there's no more range, but only one specific hue.
And when I now mouse and click, I select the exact hue I want. When I click-shift-drag, I see the range get wider (the sliders open). So when I have finished, I have exactly these hues *I* wanted, not Photoshop's default!
As a dessert, I set the partially influenced hues, those between the triangles and the inner sliders, just as steep as I want, or even off.
This is really great as it gives us nearly absolute control over what we want to keep, and what we want to change.

Aahhh, Photoshop...:\
Awesome tip, Erik! I didn't know about this, and I'm usually one to just click around, trying to find out "what this thing does." Missed that in Hue/Sat :) And yes, it's very useful!
Erik, you really taught me something new! :righton: I've been playing with the sliders and I'm all excited with the results and future possibilities! [excited] THANK YOU so much for acquainting (or, in the case of some, reacquainting) us with this technique! ;)
In the meantime I used it already in one of my "Cannon Fodder" designs; works great :righton: and more reasons not to forget this option from now on ;)
coming out of the woodwork lol
thread is dead in it's tracks lol
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