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Howdy from Down Under

Curious One

New Member
Hello all

OK I'm completely new to Photoshop. My hubby just got me PS Elements & a friend pointed me to Greater Than Gatsby PS Actions. I've signed up & received their "free" actions but because I'm not familiar with the terms in PSE or where all the buttons are, I'm finding it hard to use/follow.
Would you suggest that I steer away from "paid" actions for now until I become familiar with the program? Or take advantage of their special & learn as I go? The tutorials look amazing (ie. before & after pics) & if I had more time to sit & learn from scratch I would but I just don't have that time...

Thanks all
Welcome curious one, what side you living on?
For a beginner my words of wisdom to you would, be don't pay for anything just yet.

Look around the site and see what takes your fancy, if your not sure what things are called just start a new thread and ask us, if we can help we will.
Heres a quick alteration for you, curves and saturation levels adjusted.
A bit of Topaz in their too.

Hi Paul

Thanks for the welcome.

I'm from Sydney, so unfortunately a fair distance from you...

Those are wise words, I have a tendency to jump before I look cause those actions look so good & I don't know where to begin with PSE, I thought that it might make editing a bit easier than from scratch!

Ooooo that looks good, was that using PS or PSE?

I wanted to know how to lighten the photo as originally it was very dark & dull...

