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Hello Fellow Photoshoppers! I was searching for help and I found you! So, hear it goes...

When I downloaded photos to Photoshop, I used to save them all to my external hard drive. It was a beautiful thing...until...my hard drive died. We were going to pay the professionals to recover what they could but it was fried. (I have some backup but not all on CD's) Anyway, as you all know, the thumbnails are there in the program but are all in limbo. I need to know if I can print, send to, transfer a file...do anything to save these pictures...even if it is just the thumbnails themselves, I don't care.

I appreciate your help in advance!
MM I dont think that is possible unless you do a screen shot of all your thumbnails.
Western Digital do a data recovery which is about 95% successfull but it is very expensive as the hard drive gets sent to a dust free lab. However at the moment with them just being flooded I dont think that service is available at the moment.

Welcome to the forum.
Thank you, Hoogleman. Can you explain to me what you mean by "screen shot"? We sent the drive to Drive Savers. I believe that is one of the companies WD uses. Flooded, huh? That's a bummer.
bummer is an understatementwestern digital make about 90% of hard drives since it flooded 6 weeks ago none have been made so a worldwide shortage which means a drive that I could normally get for $100 is now closer to $300.

if you load up a window with all your thumbnails in somewhere around the F12 Key you will see a print screen button press shift and that button and it will save a picture of your screen then open up photoshop file new make document clipboard size then go to edit paste and you will see an image of what you took a screen shot off.

Alternatively if you have windows 7 click he start menu in the search bar type snippet and that will let you drag a box and save a picture of whatever you selected.
I found the Snipping Tool in Vista! The quality isn't great but, at least, I will have them saved. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
it isnt perfect but you may be able to sharpen them and enlarge them in photoshop I use a program called perfect resize by onone it is really good for enlarging pictures I have had soome really good results with thumbnails to 6 x 4 inch photos and once touched up in photoshop they look quite respectable download a demo from here once installed go to window extensions onone and you should see a new icon on your right panel you can access perfect resize from there
