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Howdeh from NC


My first use of PS was CS4 a friend put me onto. At the time I used it mainly to create banner sigs for our gaming forums and I did ok just by trial and error.

Now I have CS6 which seems overwhelming, but I saw another post suggesting a site for tutorials so I'm thinking I may just do that and see what I can really do with this. This is really recreational, I'm not an aspiring designer or photographer but I'm interested in expanding my knowledge of this. Who knows, maybe I will end up an aspiring designer :)

hi, from the howdeh im just guessing you're from the south of the US?
i have no idea what NC is >_<
welcome, please take off your cowboy boots before stepping inside :P
actually, from your username u097mford, i was hoping that was some model of pick up truck from ford :c
I wish it was something that cool haha. It's actually the network ID I used for 8 years at a previous employer. It's easy for me to remember and when signing up for things it is typically not in use so I don't end up with some username I'll have to write down somewhere.
hmm, for some reason it's always impossible for me to just say hi, welcome and then act normal >_<
and indeed, I can't imagine that username ever being taken.
Hi Mike, welcome to the forum. Love your sense of humor, especially if you can humor that punk chrisix. :wink: :bustagut:

In my mind, North Carolina means a great stretch of beaches and some cool thinkers. Very different place from the rest of the south. One of the original states, so doesn't exactly hit me as frontier-land like Wyoming or Texas. I probably like C&W more than you do and I grew up in Chicago and live in San Diego area now.

As for recreational, I would guess that the largest number of us are in this for fun (there's a thread about that here). I wanted to be a graphic artist way back when but let time carry me in different directions. Still an amateur artist through all that. Now I am back into PS with a vengeance. I do at times make some money from freelance, but I don't try too hard. It's all in how you apply yourself.

Post some of your work once you feel like it's going in the right direction. But don't wait to do that. Just look at some of the "art" here and you'll love your own! Just kidding . . . sort of. We are at all levels of talent, skill, experience, knowledge, and we are almost all here because this is a discussion and support forum. So bring your questions, participate in the activities (bet you'd love Avatar Wars, lol, not to mention the Challenges we do every 2 or 3 weeks), and strut your stuff.
