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how would i do this? please read!!


New Member
I have a video that i want edited, but im breaking it down into photos as i figure this is the easiest way to do it. I am holding a red camera, I need the camera edited to be white, or any color really, but to still keep the box-shape of it, so that it still looks as if im holding it. How would i go about doing this? I cant seem to keep the box shape any time i try, and of course im not an expert like you guys:) some help, please?

here is links to a few of the photos im trying to edit
I guess you want to change the colour to white, and that you have tried to do so using photoshop?

If so, then color it in like you would do normaly, but then you need to add shadows to the edge of the cam thu making it look like it is still a "box your holding"
using the lassoo tool cut out all the logos.
using the lassoo tool, select the red parts on the camera.
CTRL SHIFT C then CTRL V, this will make a new layer with the red part.
delete the red part on the origianl picture, make a copy of red part layer
CTRL U opens the hue/saturation options, change to whatever color you want.
or you can select the red part again, and brush it in, but wuth HUE/SATURATION the shadin should stay!!!

hope i helped
