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how to unlock a layer on a jpeg


Active Member
I was sent a jpeg. I opened it in PS6, it is 1 layer named "background" and there is a symbol of a lock. The row above, with the lock symbol, is not active. How do I unlock this? Your assistance would be appreciated.


  • logo on key chain.jpg
    logo on key chain.jpg
    82.7 KB · Views: 3
Alt+dbl click the background layer to unlock. Better yet, just duplicate the layer (ctrl+j).
or just double click the layer and rename it to anything but background.
after you finish if you still want it in jpg you have to go to layers-flaten image in order to make it background again.
Bet you want the keychain on a blank background.....

first... reflatten image.

Convert image to grayscale..... MENU > IMAGE > MODE > GRAYSCALE .... (Discard color information?... click discard)

In channels pallete... hold down CTRL and click the gray channel icon ...

Press CTRL+SHIFT+I to inverse the selection

Without deselecting the ants, create new layer.

Fill selection with BLACK......

violoooo... keychain with out background..... depending on your preference you can darken the keychain by duplicating layer and adjust opacity or using the brightness & contrast controls.

Save as png to keep blank background. Saving as jpg will automatically flatten image with white BG.
Thank you Hawkeye

Alt+dbl click the background layer to unlock. Better yet, just duplicate the layer (ctrl+j).

I held the alt key and hit enter twice, but the layer remained locked. I hit alt+enter twice but layer remained locked.

I hit ctrl+j and got an unlocked layer.

Thank you.
I held the alt key and hit enter twice, but the layer remained locked. I hit alt+enter twice but layer remained locked.

I hit ctrl+j and got an unlocked layer.

Thank you.
I double clicked on the layer and renamed it. The lock went away. When i selected flatten image the layer locked again.

Thanks for your help but I am stumped at first step. The flatten imag option is not active.

How many layers are you working with? If it's just 1 then you don't need to flatten. If it's more than 1, make sure all layers have been rasterized (right click on the layer, rasterize).
I may be going about this wrong, so let me say it this way…

I have a jpeg of a key chain that is 1 layer and locked. I have been trying to unlock it so that I could use it to create a new jpeg. I would create the new jpeg by cropping the top and bottom of the keychain in the original jpeg and saving both crops as jpegs. I would then combine the original jpeg and the 2 crop jpegs into a new jpeg. After about a week trying to do this I was stumped and found this forum. As a newbie I fear I am not describing my situation clearly enough for you knowledgeable folks to understand.
trying to work with.jpgtrying to work with.jpg
I have gotten as far as the attached screen shot but can’t work to combine the 3 jpegs because all 3
are locked background single layers and for each of the 3 jpegs there is a large black border around the checkerboard and image. I have the adobe PS6 Bible and have read first 6 chapters as well as large sections of other chapters. But I am still lost as how to accomplish the new jpeg.

Hopefully this helps explain things more clearly

I'm sorry but I still don't fully understand, in the attached images the layer is already unlocked. Also explain what you'd like your end result to be and how you might use the resulting image, perhaps there is a more efficient way.
EH? You can just double click the background in the layer pallete then a prompt will appear(more like New Layer) then just hit ok..:thumbsup:

Hopefully this will not be too long. I am trying to change a picture of oneproduct, keychain, to another product, money clip, to send to a manufacturer inChina. I want them to have a picture ofthe money clip with the logo on the correct side and in the position I want.

I am starting out with a jpeg of the keychain, see attached jpeg1,which is 1 layer named background and is locked. I crop the bottom of the keychain in jpeg1 andsave it, see attached jpeg2. Jpeg2 is 1layer named background and is locked. Ithen crop the top of the keychain in jpeg1, see attached jpeg3.
Jpeg3 is 1 layer named background and is locked.

I now have 3 jpegs that I want to combine to make moneyclip.jpeg. I want to place jpeg3 on the upper edge ofthe rectangle body of the keychain in jpeg1 to make it longer. I will erase any of the ring that is stillshowing. I want to place jpeg2 on thelower edge of the rectangle body of the keychain in jpeg1 to make it longer. I will then save what is created as moneyclip.jpegand send to China.

My problem is I can’t combine jpeg2 and jpeg3 intojpeg1. When I get the lock unlocked on thesingle layer of any of the 3 jpegs I amtrying to combine I ended with jpeg4 situation where I have black all aroundand moving the object around shows the checked board but object is under theblack. I can’t get any of the 3 tocombine.

Hopefully this makes some sense to you. I appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks in advance for interest.


PS I can't seem to add any of the 4 jpegs I have. I will try on aanodther post.

Re: how to unlock a layer on a jpeg for RTContent

It's getting slightly clearer, but still not 100%. I think what your asking is how to change the overall size of the canvas? (The 'black' background shows the limit of your working area) You need to go to Image - Canvas Size and change the height so its a bit longer, that should give you some room to extend this key chain.

The way you are doing this is pretty long winded though. The way I would do it is to cut it up to the size I want it to be and copy and paste the edges in until it fills the image.


From what it sounds like, you are saving lots of different jpegs separately and then putting them back into Photoshop to arrange them. Just use different layers and have 1 psd file, trust me it will make it easier for you.
Thanks for solving the problem with the black around the image. I will let you know how the rest of it goes.
