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How to turn some pic into this ?


:D Hi dudes I'm new here, I hope I'll enjoy alot with you guys , Welcome me + tell me how can I turn a color pic to this :

I know how to grayscale a color pic or how to make it b&w but this pic says it has something more. Thanx
Welcome to PSG. Regarding your question, you have more going on here than color adjustment. Looks to me like filters were applied also. 8[

My suggestion would be to play with Hue/Saturation adjustments (they can be reduced to look like b&W but retain a bit color) and then use filters to taste to achieve the look you are hoping for, start with the blur filter, then consider using some lighting. A good photograph helps the program along.
Welcome to PsG!
Yes, this pic says Hue/saturation to me.
It is always better to use an adjustment layer than the entry in the image menu: you'll be able to tweak the effects afterwards. (Remember to save your image in PSD, as this format keeps the layers)

In the hue/sat ajustment layer window, check the colorize button, move the hue slider to a blue, and lower drastically the saturation slider, but not to zero, to let a little toning come through...

Show us how you fared on one of your images!
I would do it with duotone:

If your image is in rgb:

1/ copy it on a new layer
2/ use save as to save it as another nmae (protects your original)
3/ ChannelMixer adjustment layer, and check Monochrome. Tweak your channels settings.
4/ image>duplicate this creates a copy of your original. do this twice.
5/ original: Image>Mode>Greyscale
6/ Image>Mode>Duotone
7/ set to duotone from dropdown box, and click on the white square on second colour. Choose your colour, evt tweak its curve
8/ look at your image. When it's ok, save. When not, activate one copy and tweak the monochrome settings of the channel mixer adjustment.

(the third copy is for when it still doesn't answer to our wishes. discard the badly tweaked copy, create another one and start again).

9/ Image>mode>RGB

Personally, I often use Tri tone (same dropdown box) with, in your case, an indigo and a lighter sea-ish blue.
