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How to take a grayscale image, & automate the match color process w/multiple colors??


New Member
Although I am a nooblet on this forum, I hope somebody can help me!!!

Does anyone know how to use the match color tool to automatically convert one grayscale image into multiple output images based on a collection of color swatches? Or a better process to achieve this automated?

I have all the swatches in psd files in one directory. I can do them one-by-one but I was wondering if there was a way to automate this process and have it spit out and save the different images automatically based on the saved swatch colors.

Thanks in advance for any advice!!!

Edit: I am using Photoshop CS3
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This would need to be a script.

What format are the greyscale images? JPG/PSD/TIF/PNG etc?
What format are the output files to be? JPG/PSD/TIF/PNG etc and quality?

I will try to put something together if you could give the above info.
This would need to be a script.

What format are the greyscale images? JPG/PSD/TIF/PNG etc?
What format are the output files to be? JPG/PSD/TIF/PNG etc and quality?

I will try to put something together if you could give the above info.

Wow thanks for the assistance man ~ both the grayscale and the output are JPGs. I actually have the swatches as either separate PSD files, or one PSD file containing a layer for each color.

Let me know if you need any other info....
Please try this..
Download the zip file, unzip and place the script in the relevant folder.
PC:- C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop CS3/Presets/Scripts/
Mac:- [hard drive]/Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS3/Presets/Scripts/

Download Me

Close Photoshop if open and re-start it, now the new script is available via;
File - Scripts - matchColour.jsx
I thought I would bump this post, rather than creating a new one.
I have the same problem as the original poster, and the script seems to have been deleted already...

I have the swatches in PSD, PNG, or I can batch-convert them to any other formt, if it will help. The input files are PSD or PNG, the output files should be PNG with fixed canvas of 500x500.

I hope somebody can help, since I'm kind of a noob with scripting PS, but I'm trying to learn something here..

The PS version is CS5, by the way.

Thank you!
