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How to replicate this simple logo?


New Member
Hello guys,

can anyone help me learn how to replicate this logo? I'm a beginner and I just started learning. I'm sure replicating this logo is very easy for you pros, but I have no idea where to start.

The reason I want to replicate this logo is because I want to make the logo size bigger. The logo in my psd file is too small. I know I can just copy the logo and paste it and then transform>scale it to a bigger size, but I think the quality becomes worse. Besides, I want to learn how to make this one, so in the future I can design my own logo.

I've attached the picture of the logo and the layers that make up the logo. Please teach me how to reproduce those layers.

Thanks a lot!

Somehow I can't attach the picture so I'll just provide a link:

link to picture
