This is no way perfect, could use a lot more work to clear things up. The technique I used was pretty much getting rid of the main flare colours by using new layers (set to color mode) and sampling areas from the left hand side of the house (where no flare is) and using the colours to colour over the parts of the building where the flare effects. (also painting over the gold bars and the white windows to restore colours)
(you now have the building colour restored)
For the rest I pretty much rebuilt the roof. I made a selection of the roof again and filled it in with a dark colour, I then went online and grabbed a roof tile texture and placing them over the roof selection - I then changed the blending mode of this to overlay and played around with the opacity until I got the look I wanted.
I then reduced the overall opacity of this layer to bring back some of the grit and dirt on the original roof and a SLIGHT flare showing to give a realistic effect.
Final parts I cloned away where the circles of the flares went over parts of the building, and added the sky for further effect.
Hope this helps.
All the best.