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How to recreate an electrifying image


New Member
I want to re-create this image:
However, I want to use an iMac as the computer and not have the text.

What is the best way of achieving my goal?

I thought I could do it using a mix of radial gradients. So far, my an attempt is at very early stage and doesn't have all the detail of the original:


However, at this stage, I can tell the using gradients is not going to help me achieve my goal. What is the best thing to do? I think I am struggling to capture the electrifying effect of the original image.
Hm. I always go for the less elegant, quick and dirty solution when I can. My temptation would be to build the objects, then flatten the whole picture (save before you flatten!) and use a dodge tool and just scrub it over where you want the glow.

Crude, but I'm always in a hurry.
Thanks for the reply! I would really like to have the layered version, so I can change the image as I wish. Is there any way of doing this with layers?

Thanks again!
Well, the obvious thing would be to create the glow on its own layer. That would give you maximum ability to play around with it, too.

I'd use the lasso tool to make a skewed rectangle shape on a new top layer, fill it with white or very pale blue, gaussian blur the HECK out of it, then play with layer transparency.
