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How to reach such effect? i do not think it is noise...


New Member
Since 2days I am trying to reach such effect, and till now my results are not so good :(
I was trying to monochromatic noise having two layers, a white one under black- this white I treated with noise and later deleted black layer with big soft pen, but results are not equal :(
Has someone idea how to reach such natural effect?
Your sincerly
Desperate begginer :)
photo is here: http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj210/sicilpol/IMGLarge.jpg
- Sample the average gray color
- Fill a layer with that color
- Duplicate that layer and make it the active layer
- Menu: Filter / Noise / Add Noise ---> 100%, Uniform/ Monochromatic
- Set opacity of layer to 13% in layers palette
- Menu: Filter, Blur, Guassian Blur, 0.3 pixels

Those settings resulted in this:

