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How to open file automatically to specific layer?


I have a bunch of .bmp files that have 2 layers: the top layer and a 2nd layer that is the background (but not set officially as the background). When I open one of these .bmp files it opens with the first layer selected. How do I force photoshop to open the .bmp with the 2nd layer selected? I know there is a way because I accidentally did it once.
Hi jatna,

I hope I'm understanding your question...you'd like PS to open the file with the bottom layer selected? If so, then:

I believe, but not 100% sure, that PS will always open the file with the layer in which the most recent action was performed. Not sure if there's a setting for changing that...but try this: select the layer you'd like to have active when the file is opened. Perform an action, say, Select>All, then deselect all. Close the file with the changes saved, open it again, and your preferred layer should be active.

I've never been concerned with this issue myself, so without consulting my books I can't really say if there's a setting to be changed. If I get some time later on I'll see what I can find.
Thanks but the files I want to open (to a specific layer) have not been opened before. So, if I open them and do as you suggest, then reopen them, I will be defeating the purpose of what I want to achieve. That is, simply opening them and automatically having the layer I want selected. The reason this matters is, there are thousands of them.
For future reference: the answer is to record an action that switches layers and performs some function on the layer so that it allows you to save the file. Then you can batch automate the action recorded.

Also I was mistaken that they were bmp files, they were psd files. Bmps apparently don't have layers.
