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How to make circle "height"


Well-Known Member
I just trying to recreate this coffe cup, so I start by drwing the cup but cover it's tricky
I don't know how to make the inner circle hight, I tried to did it with pen tool but my skills are very bad LOL
Any tips?

This would be very tricky!

Are you just wanting a plain drawing of the cup like vector art?

Or do you want more of a digital painting effect.............as in more realistic?
This would be very tricky!

Are you just wanting a plain drawing of the cup? Or do you want more of a digital painting effect.............as in more realistic?
If I understood correctly I meant to drawing of the cup this circle height
No..........I understand your question. I'm asking you what type of finished drawing are you after? A simple vector drawing or a more refined digital painting?
Ok.........If I were to re-create this coffee cup in a vector drawing, I would use the actual cup as my template. I would start with the largest HIGH resolution photo of the cup that I could find. Always work with the largest file you can in Ps.

Using the Pen Tool, you need to make your base layers.

The cup body.....
Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 1.58.08 PM.png

And the cup lid...
Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 1.58.28 PM.png

Again with the pen Tool, make selections based off of the ref photo.
They do not have to be exact................just close.
You can adjust the feather radius of each selection.
Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 2.03.20 PM.png

Fill with a gradient
Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 2.01.53 PM.png

Do the same for other details......
Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 2.02.11 PM.png
Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 2.02.18 PM.png
Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 2.02.25 PM.png

You can do this for the lid as well.
In the lid, it's about interpreting shadows.

This is my first shadow traced with the Pen Tool....
Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 2.13.18 PM.png

Made into a selection and then filled..
Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 2.15.46 PM.png
Next shadow
Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 2.21.55 PM.png
Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 2.31.24 PM.png

Keep going until you are done.
The "lid height" will happen naturally the farther you progress!!
This one was a little more tricky!!

I made the outline with the Pen Tool and filled, Just as I did above.
Set the layers blending mode to multiply.
Then I used a layer mask, a foreground to transparent Gradient for top and bottom, then the Brush Tool.
Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 2.48.32 PM.png
Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 2.48.55 PM.png

And the final gradients.........dark from the left and light from the right.
All that's left is the highlights and details.
You can see where the "lid height circle" naturally developed!
Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 2.54.38 PM.png
Screen Shot 2023-01-18 at 3.02.09 PM.png
