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how to make a picture wider by letting it extend and merge in to color?


Well-Known Member
Hello everybody,

I am quite new to photoshop but have some basics about editing pictures etc. however I don't know how to do and where to start on the above mentioned and would really appreciate some help and explanation how I can do this.

The problem is that I have I have a really wide panorama-like picture but I would like to have it even wider, about double than it is originally. I would like to do this by extending the picture out on the left and right side.

On the left side of the picture are mainly grey rocks and I would like that these somehow extend into something like the same average color, get more and more sort of "washed out" and merge into a medium light grey color gradient on the very left of the new wider image.

The same I would like to do on the right side only that the landscape is color-wise a little different there (more green) but in the end of the right side I would like to end up with the same grey color shade as on the left.

I have already played around a little with this but don't really know how to do it and where to start, so I would really appreciate some help.

Hope I was able to explain the problem that it is understandable.

Thanks and regards,
Thanks for your answer.

the original image is very big because it is very wide but here is a small version and a link to somewhat bigger version


I wasnt able to post a link because I have not enough posts it seems but maybe I can do that when I have more, so in the meantime here the small version.

Thanks and regards,
Hi dv8,

I would really appreciate if you could have another look at what would like to do. Will this be a very difficult thing or do you think I could manage somehow?

Thanks and regards,
Hey Tom,
The way I would do this is to use the clone stamp and just sample off the existing rocks that are there. You'll need to be a little artistic so it doesn't just look like you copied and pasted the rocks and trees. You can do this on both sides and see how it looks. You'd also need to transformer/warp the textures since because of the wide angle of the camera, the further you go to the side the closer it should be to the camera lens. You could also try to use some gradient blur so that it brings your attention to the center of the frame.
I hope this makes some sense to you. Also if you get stuck or need further advice try and post an up-to-date image with your attempts.

Hi R,

Thanks for your explanation ...... Unfortunately I have not managed yet to get a nice result.

Sorry to bother you with this but do you think you could give it rough try on the example picture that I would be able to see how your described steps would look like roughly?

Thanks and regards,
I won't be in my office for a couple of more days, but when I get back and if I have time sure I'll give it a try.

you may try puppet warp left and right edges in order to widen your image to the desired width. it will also fix the wide angle lens distortion. i did quite a few of these in architecture photography.
Thanks for your tip. I googled a little about puppet wrap but wasn't able to find out how it works so far.

I found it is manly used for transforming objects, creating smiles etc but how will that function extend my picture?

open your image
hit ctrl+j
goto edit puppet warp
set anchor points and make your warping
it takes some practice
goto edit transform warp
use the farmost left and right handles to do the warping
tis is more simple but not that versatile as puppet warp
after warping hit ctrl+e
Thanks, what are the anchor points doing?

I guess I have to play around some more with this to find out how the anchor points etc work but I think the transform wrap function does not work for what I want to do because it stretches the whole image which doesn't look nice.

I did this pretty quickly just to illustrate kinda what I meant. Using a higher quality image and spending more time on it should give you pretty good results if your picky with what you sample off of.

Thanks for your efforts and the example.

I have also managed roughly something like in your picture above with "content aware" however I don't want to copy exactly the picture.
I would like that the left side rocks extend only a little and then slowly merge into grey color. If possible even merge into a grey gradient.
The right side should merge into the same grey.

So basically it could be maybe possible to start out with something like your example above and then lay a grey gradient rectangle over the left side which has (I mean the rectangle) on the right 0% opacity and going over into 100% opacity on the very left of the image.

This is how I would think to do this and I have already tried around with this idea but so far without any good results.

Hi again,

I have now already played around quite much with all kinds of methods like content aware, clone stamp, patch tool, placing gradients over the rocks etc but I am not happy with the results at all yet.

Does anyone have any other creative style ideas how I could make a wide nice looking header from this image?

Thanks and regards,
Thanks, I will try that....... I somehow like your first version. Maybe I could also take that even further and and fade it more into grey closer to the edges.

Which filter have you used in the first one and how did you apply it only on the edges, not affecting the center image?

The filter is called 'patchwork'. Filter -> Filter Gallery. You can make it fade by creating a 'layer mask' on the augmented layer.

I presume you may not have used these before so I would recommend that you look at some tutorials about this so you can fully understand these and how powerful they can be.

Any further questions you might have, I'll be happy to help.
Thanks a lot, this was a very good idea with these filters and I have used them for some things before such as the flies I posted.

However now with this header there is something strange. I have increased the canvas width to be able to do something with the sides and if I now just place a rectangle over the white empty canvas and fill it with grey then for some reason I am not able to open the filter gallery and apply filters on this rectangle because the filter gallery is light grey meaning I cannot open it..... why is that.

I never had this problem so far when applying filters to other objects?

