I read some of the other posts here, and I think I would overall do it differently than anything suggested so far, maybe with some similarities. Ok, so here we go. First, I would get a floral wall, like is in the picture. I went to google and got one I liked.

After I got this background, the next thing I did was make a new layer, and then make a black bar through the middle of the image.

then, I made a new layer that goes under the black bar, and then I filled the layer with brown using the paint bucket tool, which can be located "under" the gradient tool. (find the gradient tool, left click and hold until a drop-menu appears, and select the tool). The brown wasn't as dark as I wanted it, so I made a second black layer that went on top of the brown layer. I set it's opacity to 70% (just as a side note, that's a quick fix, but probably not the best way to go about it). After that I merged the brown layer with the black layer (not the black bar) and made a copy of the merged layer. Hide it for now, as it will be used towards the end. I then applied a gausian blur to the black bar layer. I put my blur radius to 5.5. Then, using a large eraser tool with 0% hardness, i clicked once or twice to get the faded brown. Then, I made the copied merged layer visible and turned the opacity down to 60%. Then using an eraser at 0% hardness, i erased along the edge of the black box to give the floral design that highlight on the edge. The floral pattern was a little to dark, so I made it brighter using the Levels tool. Here's what I ended up with.

Mine isn't nearly as nice as the one that you posted, but I whipped this together in 5-10 minutes, so it's quite easy to do. Hope this helped