Great shot. Are you sure it isn't a painting, lol?
There is a lot going on here, even just with the ripples. The 2 photographs (assuming the original is a photograph) are entirely different of course. That ripply hillside already has some of the qualities you are looking to create. In other words, it starts out with the effects to at least some degree.
First of all, duplicate your layer, right click on it and choose "convert to smart object." When you make adjustments, I recommend making them all as layer adjustments.
Lighting is one. You will need to apply curves or levels and maybe even add a contrast adjustment to get the light dark effect. Then use the layer mask to paint in black on the house and whatever you don't want darkened/deepened.
Color. If you want that more nebulous blue color, change the hue of your greens to a bluer color.
Sharpness. You need to add a surface or gaussian blur to get the fuzziness of the grass. There may be some inherent to the original's texture but you can emulate it as least to some degree. It really helps if you have a high resolution picture to work with. It may be that a duplicate layer with the hillside selected has a paint daubs or watercolor filter applied, then opacity lowered. Or it could be using a plugin from an outside source.
Highlights. There may be more than one thing going on here. This may be an HDR manipulation. It may be a plugin. It may be using duplicat layers on overlay or vivid light and varying opacity. And it may have painted highlights.
At any rate, these are some things you might consider doing to copy the style.
I hope someone can come up with a better set of ideas for you, as this is a lovely effect.