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How to edit text?

Nail On Leg

I have been pointed to this forum from few users on youtube who I contacted due to their uploaded videos related to editting text in photoshop. Checked a lot of videos and also did research on google but cannot find solution, at least not detailed enough with step by step clear and very easy to follow instructions. On the following image:

www dot football-pictures dot net/data/media/22/ManchesterUnited07 dot jpg

I would like to replace both texts (ignore the url at the bottom left corner) and replace the center picture. I have been told that my requirements are so extreme that this is close to impossible to be done but I haven't lost the hope. Requirements are:

1. When editting words EVERYTHING related to actual fonts (size, color, shape, any kind of protection, shape, direction, angle and just about ANY other parameter) must stay 100% exactly the same as on original picture.

2. The background must stay the same and untouched. Even if those blue lines would go through the the center picture as a background, this background must still stay exactly the same - UNeditted.

3. Replaced center picture has to be replaced with new picture which is in exactly the same size and position.

I am total beginner at photoshop. Actually installed it just for such edits. So I would need very detailed instructions what to do. I was thinking about hiring an expert as freelancer and just send a payment to him but the ''problem'' is that I have several such images to edit (same kind of requirements) and would like to be able to edit them on my own.

Would appreciate a lot if somehow could help what to do. In other images I have much simpler kind of fonts but requirement 1 (see above) must still be met as well as other two.
There is an issue the link isn't working on my end.
How about you download then upload the photo to this website so we can see it.
mattattack347 please replace the ''dot'' with actual symbol ''.'' and remove the spaces. I chose the image randomely. As I have said most of other images that I want to learn how to edit on mentoined requirements have much simpler fonts.

AbdulW87 sorry but I don't understand what you mean....
I do understand what you are saying ,but I am saying that it is not coming on my screen.
I am being lead to google search engine and brought to several random results.
Howdy Nail. A few clarifications are needed I think.

1) If you have the exact same font, then the new words shouldn't be a problem. A bit of work I'd guess, but not difficult.
2) & 3) What center picture are you referring to? The geometric emblem with the devil on it or the entire medallion? If you mean the entire medallion, and keep the BG, lol; dang near impossible unless you have lots of spare hours. You could recreate it, but stripe for stripe, you are being ridiculously optimistic.

So give us a better idea of what you need and we can give you some guidance. Step by step is going to take someone patient since, being a newbie at Photoshop, you're in for a rude awakening if you think you can just jump in and do this. But, like I said, if someone will describe in great detail and look for the most basic workarounds (for instance word art for words instead of paths), you might manage it.
Oh yes, as for Abdul's copyright comment, we need to be careful on the forum of where you got the image, how are you altering it, if it is copyrighted, do you have permission to use it.

You can use the idea, but to have ALL things EXACTLY the same might be copyright infringement.

Why do you need it done that way? What are you using it for?
You would be better of remaking that all together that image is poor and done with bad photoshop skills if I am honest, You would just need the logo a light beam set of brushes and the use of lens flair filter in photoshop and you would be of to a better starting point than that then add the bevel effects afterwards or better still scrap the bevel like in that example it is done poorly and use 3d tools instead.
ibclare its not just adding new words by first requirement (see my first post), its removing already located words and adding different, once again according to the first requirement. Not sure what you mean with ''medallion''. When I said center picture I was referring to everything what is inbetween words ''Manchester'' and ''United'' excluding both two yellow circles as well as entire background. I know I could just cut the specific part in this situation but I cannot do this due to two reasons:

- I installed photoshop yesterday and looked at it first time ever. I know nothing. Not even how to cut the specific piece of image. I was willing to pay to freelancer on such site where I am registered but I don't want anyone to do this for me. I want someone to learn me how to do this because I have other pictures where I will need to use exactly the same knowledge as learned for this image - what I asked.

- There is absolutelly no way to meet second requirement (see my first post) IF the background would go through the center picture. Background has to stay exactly the same as on original picture. I know in this eact requirement I didn't pick the good picture but you can still imagine what I mean as ''leaving the background untouched = the same''.

ibclare you asked me for further explanation of what im trying to do with center picture. In shortest and probably most understandable explanation: I am trying to find a solution how to replace any piece (no matter where on image is located) of image with different piece. Background must always stay 100% the same as on original photo. I am aware detailed solution steps for total beginner who hardly knows how to load a file in photoshop would take a while to type. But on the other hand (I have been learned I need to look at life from positive side): There exist software such as camtasia for screen recording.
You also asked me what Im trying to do with edited image. Again, this particular one is randomely chosen but it was located on my hard drive also. I am trying to load it into the pc game as the new logo of the club. However I have other images that are for a way more important purposes. Im working in the manufactury as quality manager of some machine elements and need to design faults that were previounsly noticed by me and give a warning to constructor. Its not possible to use just the camera because some of machine details, such as curves near particular edges, are a way too small. Im not having in purpose to learn constructing engineering software in detail because im from different side of engineering.

Hoogle thank you for your reply. No offense, but since I don't know much, or even anything, about photoshop I didn't understand a single word in your reply. I still appreciate it.
Oh boy, do I agree with you Hoogle!

Nails, I did read your post and I did understand, and you as a newb ought to pay a bit more attention to the people who are trying to help you. Sounds like the engineering work you are talking about will need a different approach. You're "shortest and most understandable" explanation of this medallion (google if you don't know the term) was not a lot more clear than your first request. Sorry to say that, but it is not complete to me. And thank you, but you don't need to tell us how to make a tutorial for you. Perhaps another member will come along and be able to help you better. So, as you say, think positive.
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We are having forum issues I have done 2 jpegs for you recreated and a 25 MB PSD with every element on its own layer a complete recreation but cleaner and more like the original but I cant upload it
not sure what you want so have s jpeg as I cant upload the psd without getting kicked from the forum so put your own text in
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Not sure whats that? Every single thing I look at is different comparing to original photo. Totally different background, different darkness of color, some unknown addition black color at the bottom of center photo and so on...
Its Ok with the psd you could adjust everything even had the toning effects used like original but not to worry I am sure you will be able to do better.
Oh man... thats hard

Thats right...it is hard. even for a good photoshop user recreating someone else's work is hard, the more effects in the original picture the harder it gets. It would a lot of time to achieve what you want and for that unfortunately you have to play around with photoshop yourself.

My advice is to start working on some easier image by yourself and then move towards difficult images. We are willing to help you on your way.
