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how to do the engine turned gold leaf effect


New Member
I am new to photoshop and have cs4. I am trying to do a website for my volunteer fire department that I am a member of and am trying to get effect of the gold leaf witht eh swirl marks like onthe trucks. Can someone help me in how to get the effect in my text and possibly part of a background. Below is a link to a forum that has animgae of what I am looking to do. It's the third posting down.

gold leaf ::

Sorry. tried to upload the image but it didn't work for some reason.
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If you can wait till tomorrow I'll take a look ... On itouch
BASICLY that is just a pattern merged with the text, if I see it correctly
I don't know. There are highlights and such to give it that effect. I need a section of it so that I can use it to mask into my text and such. I did a search on the net and people ask how to do it but have never found the steps.
open your image with cs4 go to Menu > Edit> Define Pattern> flow the lead bingo…. you have the pattern
