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How to do same effect in bigger size?


I downloaded a template in PSD but i was so little in size so I change from 72 dpi to 300 dpi but there are a layer in the psd file that make this bakground effect more beuatiful and when I changed the dpi then this layer effect bakground was to small and I used the "free transfrom" but the picture effect get blurred in 100% zoom.

Does any one here how they did this background effect from begin?

here is the file
View attachment test.psd
I assume so Bonedog.

Emelie, I would steer you to tutorials about making starfields.

Here's one written by Greg martin: http://gallery.artofgregmartin.com/tuts_arts/making_a_star_field.html

You just can't enlarge a document, changing resolution from 72 to 300, and expect it to be sharp and clear. You will have to remake it, but you'll learn plenty in the process, and you'll enjoy it.

Or you're in the wrong field :mrgreen:
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