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how to create this effect?


hey guys...

wondering a quick way to create this "pulled?" effect, i figure i could select each pixel at the side of something i want to pull, and paste and paste and merge and merge, but im sure there is an easier way to do it? any help would be much appreciated, thanks

heres an example:

In the upper-left of the toolbar, there are some marque tools. You know, rectangle and circle and stuff. One of those is horizontal single pixel select. Choose that one.
Drag it out over your target.
ctrl + j
ctrl + t
Grab the top and drag up. (Assuming you are going up. Could very well be down; or to the left or right, in which case use the vertical single pixel select).
Then it's just a matter of layers, layer order, and/or layer masking.

In the future, please use a more descriptive subject title. It makes it easier for us. You know, help us help you.
ok thanks thats helpful, but what if its not a straight like like the side of someones face? is it just a matter of individually selecting pixels off the side of the face?
For an irregular line, a slightly different approach has to be taken.

1. Enter QuickMask mode
2. Pencil tool 100% 1px
3. Paint the pixels you want
4. Exit QM
5. ctrl + shift + i
6. ctrl + j
7. ctrl + j
8. Select Move tool
9. Use cursor keys to nudge
10. ctrl + e
11. ctrl + j
12. Use cursor keys to nudge twice as much as in step 9

Then just ctrl + e, ctrl + j, and nudging x2 as previous nudge until happy.
Works dandy for me.
You mean something like this ?

Make a selection of what you what blurred (on a duplicate, of course) , hold CTRL+ALT+Up Arrow key.
Bob up the beat-down on me!
Way to go, man. That's beautiful.

Now use Polar Coords to do it in a radial manner. You do remember how to do that, don't you?

BTW, I have a CD with that exact same image. Matter of fact, that's the one I'm using for that up coming rant I mentioned the other day. Goocher!


Haha. this has been my favorite *biker girl* for a while, now. I like the shot of her standing on the street corner, too. Do you have that one ?
Hey, check that out. I do have one of her standing on a street corner. Also got one of her sitting on a wooden thing and another one of her smiling. Might be the same CD. Major goocher!

Now, this CD has a bunch of places on it. You know, major cities and landmarks, but it doesn't have a decent pic of Mt. Rushmore. Suck! (Actually, this CD has more on it than I thought now that I'm taking a closer look at it. Teddybears and headlights?)

Good job with the Polar Coords.
Looks like you pulled a canvas resize to take care of the corners - not something I was expecting. Or maybe you pulled some tricky cut-n-paste and/or layer mask action.
Bahaha. Can`t fool you for a minute.

I selected the *stretch* from the above photo, copy/paste on a new layer, polar inversion, copy, flip, TADA.

And Kudos and thanks to you, my friend for pushing the boundaries, and pounding (some of) it into me.
~ We`re not worthy~
