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How to create this effect? Jimmy Page Outrider

Bildschirmfoto 2015-07-28 um 17.02.35.png

Make a duplicate layer of the original.
Add Filter - motion blur (horizontally)
Add a layer mask and paint with black color and a soft brush.

Here is the original image.
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As Chris said and then do the same with the second [head] image.

Have that above the original and mask out those parts that you don't want to reveal the 'motion blurred' original image underneath.

This image was more than likely shot in camera.

Take a look at the difference of rotation of the subject in the blurred area as compared to the un-blurred subject. He simply turned to his right during the shot.


In order to re-create this effect in Photoshop with any accuracy (true to the original), you would need two images of the subject, one looking straight forward and the other turned and facing to the right. Then you could blur and mask.
Like i said 'motion blur of a SECOND image':bangdesk:
Sorry Paul and Tom Mann........I thought you meant a duplicate of the same image.

Perhaps I should just keep my opinions to myself.
Sorry Paul and Tom Mann........I thought you meant a duplicate of the same image.

Perhaps I should just keep my opinions to myself.

Not knocking your post Sam, upsetting that you thought that to be honest:whythis:
None taken Chris, you are way above my skills level i know that.
I just say it short and sharp can't be arsed with four page screen grabs tuts and fair play to those that do. But i do my challenges in the comp threads:cheesygrin:
