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how to create realistic shadows

how to create realistic shadows?

Scientists and computer gamers alike could benefit from a new method for creating soft, realistic shadows in computer-generated images. Engineers at Ohio State University have created computer algorithms that model how light passes through translucent three-dimensional objects or fluids such as water, clouds, fire, and smoke. The result: shadows that begin to approach the realism of Hollywood animation, but don't require as much computer memory to create.

I don't know about PS, but I've sure worked my way around with 3Ds max for shadows. You shud check that out

Sorry, but that's just a silly answer...sigh

a. that request was 5 months old
b. recommend a super advanced 3D software just to make shadows of people in 2D??
c. with a retail price for non-students of around $3,000...

Use some common sense... geesh
I guess you would select the people.
Transform the selection, perspective etc
on a new layer fill it with black
Then select the image where the shadow will go and create a er, is it gradient map, some kind of map anyway, that you then apply to the shadow layer, so that if follows the contours of the image. You may have to transform again and warp things as bit.
Then a little play with the layers opacity and blend modes and you should be good to go.

Depends on the image you start with though, and I'm just learning myself, so there will be other better ways to do it.
Yeah I use Transmitthis' method too. Whatever way you go about it, I think it's clear that there's no magic burron for this one.
