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Illustrator How to create my own Illustrator keyboard shortcuts?

Oh for Chrissake!

Well-Known Member
Hi folks,

Please read carefully before answering.

I do NOT want to customize keyboard shortcuts that are already available to me. I repeat, I do NOT want to do this.

My situation is: I can't seem to find a keyboard shortcut to rename a layer in Ill. If it's there already in the shortcuts available, alright, then I will use it. BUT, since I can't find it, I want to go ahead and just CREATE my own, not customize what's already there.

So, how do i CREATE my own keyboard shortcuts in Ill?


Thanks, but still not what I'm looking for.

Example: in photoshop, I didn't like double clicking on the layer to change the name. So I found a way to create, as in totally make up, a keyboard shortcut (CTRL-F1).

Is there a way to do this exact thing in Ill? I guess I should have been more specific before. Anywho, I just can't seem to find out how...

Thanks in advance.

so in order for you to change the name to what you prefer you tap the keyboard twice instead of the mouse is that what you're saying? In order to select a new name for layer, you need to tap it at least once to make it active another time to change the wording. It sounds to me, like you're making more work than what it needs to be. perhaps I'm confused?
I want to create, as in make up, a keyboard shortcut that will change the name of the layer. I don't want to double-tap. There is no ready-made shortcut in ILL to modify or otherwise use.

You can do it in Photoshop. Do you know how to do it in ILL? I can't find out how on my own.

I use the say method in both, double click, change. How would the computer know what to name them other than sequentially but it already does that. Ahhhhh as I typed that i now understand, you want to program an action to react to keycommand hmmmm that'll take some inside coding. Unless you know how to hack into program code wise, I don't think it's there but a programmer may know how, sorry not much help
