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3D How to create crystallize 3d effect like this?



I understood this effect can be done using "Mesh from GRAYSCALE" (sorry my mistake) and rendering options.
But how to crystallize image like on this picture?
Or is there any settings in the 3d rendering?

p.s. sorry for my english...
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You could try it with a pattern overlay layer style... but I don't know if it will look as good.

Maybe you can make an action to do it to any solid shape, but I'm not sure of the steps needed.
I know how to add the lights and 3d forms to image. But i dont know how to add the crystallize effect like this.
First step we need to "render clouds" to this picture. This will add a diferent colours for future crystalls.
And then we need to add a crysstalize effect like this. How we can do this?
After transformation image to crystalls we need to make "MESH FROM GRAYSCALE". Since the color of crystals is different on the background, we get unequal height 3d model.
And then with "3d render settings" we need to add edge, vertex and lights.

How add a crystallize effect? Standart photoshop Pixelate-Crystallize can't do this. Its looks like triangles with rounded corners.

p.s. sorry again for my english...
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