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how to complete an uncompleted shape image

Sure......there's probably lots of different ways.
Here is one of them:

1. Use the 'Crop' tool to increase the size of the canvas.

2. Use the 'Elliptical Marquee' tool to make a circular selection around the sun. Add guides at the center of the selection and the right hand edge of the document.

3. Switch to the 'Rectangular Marquee' tool and make a selection between the center and the edge and as deep as you can without including any previous 'odd' edits. Snap the center of the selection to the horizontal guide.

4. Hold Ctrl + Alt + T (Or mac equivalent) to transform the selection with a copy.

5. Change the 'Reference Point Location' to the middle left position.....(Where the central guides cross)

6. Rotate the selection by a small angle....it doesn't have to be an exact amount.

7. Accept the transform by hitting 'Enter' or clicking the 'tick' at the top of the workspace.

8. Press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T (Or Mac equivalent) to repeat the 'transform with copy' step.

9. Do this several times...

10. Until you complete the circle.

11. Create a New Layer below the one you have and fill with a suitable colour to match.

It's not what you asked for, but another way would be to just re-create the graphic.

Screen Shot 2014-10-25 at 8.32.02 AM.png

Screen Shot 2014-10-25 at 8.32.18 AM.png

It's very simple. Since it's not what you asked for, I won't include a tutorial for this method unless you ask for one.
Ok, I have to run to work now, but I will come back and add a tutorial later this evening.
