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how to color in a shape


New Member
I'm sorry I'm sure this is probably a really stupid question, but I have a layer that is black and I have drawn two circles on the layer that make a ring/donut. I can't find out how to color the space confined between the two cirlces. Again this is all on the same layer. Any help or suggestions?

I thought it would be as easy as paint where you can just select the paint bucket and click the area you want to color.
well I found the paint bucket tool, had to right click the gradient tool to select it. I'm still can't fill between the lines like I want. When I click it fill the entire background.
You must use a selection, otherwise the paintbucket will fill all the canvas.
Try to select the space you want to paint with the magic wand tool and then use the paint bucket.
I know a dozen reasons why you shouldn't use this technique, you should go for shapes or at least put one circle on his own layer.
this so simple you go on window menu open path pallet and select option>fill path background color, now your shape become colorful.
And u can convert path in to section and then you can fill your shape.
