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How to change colour of a part of a .png?


How can the colour of a part of the png attached be modified? For example the bottom four of five squares in this picture currently are dark gray; I would like to change this to a lighter RGB grey. And not modify the upper square...


Well, based on just your example, one way is to make an editable Solid Color Fill adjustment layer using it's accompanying mask.*
(Located at the bottom of the layers panel, click on the half moon icon and select Solid Color)

Select the panels you wish to change.
You can use whatever selection method you're comfortable with.
Screen Shot 2024-02-11 at 2.48.12 AM.png

ON a new layer, add a Solid Color Fill adjustment layer.
It will add the selections to the layer mask.
Adjust the color in the open color picker and click OK. You can quickly make changes just by double clicking the Solid Color Fill icon/layer.
Screen Shot 2024-02-11 at 2.49.15 AM.png

Screen Shot 2024-02-11 at 2.49.27 AM.png

* Not sure what this is, but there would be much better ways to create this "sample" so it would be editable from the start.
There are many different methods.. I was going to suggest the same as @IamSam

Here are the same with some more steps as suggested.

Any selection method is okay. This one is Magic wand.


Make sure to set the tolerance low for this image.


Click on the color that needs to be changed. You can see the selection.


In the Bottom right corner, you can click the create new adjustment layer.


Select Solid Color


Now you will have the color picker. Just choose your color. And if you'd like to change the color again just double-click on the "color" icon on the layer.


So many thanks to the both of you! What a learning place this is, your replies are very helpful. They solved my question.
To finalise, with two active layers, should both layers be coupled, or united ...?
It depends.

If you are just looking for an image, you can just save it as a .png(you don't have to merge them), or if you would like to merge them, do it by selecting the layers and doing a Ctrl+e.

However, if you would like to change the color again later on, save it as it is a PSD so you can edit it later again. Keeping a PSD is always useful.
When I save the two active layers (as .png) without merging then in Explorer I do not see the pictogram with the file contents, just a generic PNG icon.
When I merge the two layers and save as .png then a icon with the file contents is shown.
Why would there be this difference?

EDIT: although when I save (layers not merged) as"interlineated" then the icon shows properly in Explorer

EDIT 2: "interlaced", not interlinated which was my bad translation from Dutch
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No. I don't think so.
It might just be a preview from the OS.

Save it in both versions, then open it in Photoshop or any other program to verify that the contents are present. This will clear things up.
