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How to change an image background?


Guys i wanna to remove my background and wanna to add scene something like sea or sea-beach. Please any kind of helpful information about my photo editing will be helpful for me.
It will take a very high level of skill to do a good (ie, convincing) job extracting you from the background in that photo. There are several reasons:

1. There is softness of focus and subject or camera movement. This makes the borders between the subject and the background indistinct. Crisp borders are vastly easier to deal with.

2. There is veiling glare in the RHS of the image that bleeds into your dress and makes those areas less saturated / pastel. Even if someone does a decent extraction and places you against a background that isn't overexposed, your dress will look oddly pastel-like in the areas that had bleeding. That will have to be dealt with.

3. Hair is a complicated texture. It's most easily extracted from a simple, less textured background. Unfortunately, the background to some of your hair is vegetation, ie, another highly textured material. The OOF and movement blur make the extraction of hair from the background much more difficult than it would have been without these problems.

It will be easy for many people to perform a mediocre extraction / background replacement. In other words, you will likely see halos and other artifacts around you. It will be vastly more difficult to do a good job on this extraction.

If you would like to see a short tutorial on extracting hair from a background, look at this video:

It's for a commercial plugin, Topaz Re-mask that is designed to help people with this sort of task, but the general principles covered in that video are applicable to almost any method of extracting a subject from a background.


Tom M

PS - One more issue: Part of the "background" (ie, vegetation) is actually in front of you and obscuring parts of your body. To remove this will require synthesizing credible fake skin under where the leaves currently are obscuring you. This can be quite difficult.
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I am graceful dear Tom Mann, you grant some awesoem and stunning suggestion to me. That's amazing helpful but wanna a image through done by you. Which may give me exclusive pleased.
Janifar, I'm sorry, but I don't understand the 2nd and 3rd sentences in your post. Can you please try to state it again, but in different words, or possibly have someone help you write it in English. I apologize, but I only speak English and Spanish.

Best regards,

Tom M
Thank you Tom Mann for your kind response. I wanna add something on my background like sea or sea beach scene. Just remove background and simply add a photo or scene of sea beach. Great you know two languages, that's great.
Dear Janifar, I'm very sorry, but I don't want to take on this task. This is because I know that even if I put a lot of effort into it, the final result will still be poor quality (for the reasons I stated in my earlier post).

Perhaps someone else on PSG will be willing to take this on as a challenge.


Tom M
Hi Janifar, I've taken a stab at removing the background using clippingmagic.com . The result has several of the issues Tom mentioned. Most notably the arm is behind the leaf, so it is not recoverable using that service.

Anyway, I've attached the result (it only took like a minute to create), hopefully it's useful, sorry if it's not!

(disclaimer: I run that website)


  • 305897_580422818649762_925466859_n_clipped_rev_1.png
    261 KB · Views: 65
Hi Jacob -

Thanks for stopping in. I had never hear of your web-based knock-out service, and appreciate you bringing it to our attention. As I'm sure you know, we (ie, the moderators) are always on the lookout for spam on this forum, especially from people who have no other posts in PSG, but I don't feel your post falls into this category.

I think your website could be useful to many people and I consider the terse mention of it quite appropriate -- almost a public service. Just don't push the boundary too much or too often.

Given all the problems with the starting image, you did a very nice job on it. It's low rez, so I can't see details, but it looks to be nearly as good as one would get out of Fluid Mask or Topaz's "ReMask". Perhaps the results will be adequate for her needs.


Tom M
Thanks a lot Jacob for showing apart of your wisdom. That's really great but you know it's not expected. Cause you just look at hand hows looking that, i am frustrated there are no one who can help me. :cry:
Dear sprucemagoo1 thanks a lot for adding these kinda of amazing and stunning background. Thanks a lot dude, feel gratitude to you. Do you add these types of background where stay just light color (this is so colorful so why...) please.:)
Dear you have to do something more with this image, first make a selection and move this to your desire background & adjust Level of your image sothat it match perfectly with background.
There is a program called Smart Photo Editor at http://www.smartphotoeditor.com/. There is a free trial version and the licensed version is $29.95. I have it and use it occasionally. It allows you to cut out and replace many different parts of the image. I did part of this one with it and the rest in Photoshop and Nik Color 4. This photo is so small and low quality it is hard to get anything really good, but take a look anyway.
Background to remove2_pe.jpg
Oh, what the heck... I thought I' make use of the prop that's already in her hand, and I added a background with a hint of an MC Escher twist ;-)

Hmmm, if Tom can change his mind,I think later today ill take a stab at it.....maybe greens eyes?:mrgreen:
