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How to achieve the following effect ?


Hi All Experts,

I am pretty new to the photoshop and I would like to achieve the following effect for my picture.


Any help or step by step tutorial on wild wild internet would be helpful

Is this sort of what you had in mind? Different kind of face so some fx may not be similar. If yuo put up a picture, untreated, that's more like you want to work on -- even the picture you're using -- I can see what I might be able to do with it.

portraits by evephoto

Let me know what you think.
How's this?


Two layers.
Layer 2 > Filter > Filter Gallery > Dark Strokes 5 2 2 Blend mode to Overlay
Layer 1 > Filter > Filter Gallery > Cross Hatch 12 12 1

Two layers.
Layer 2 > Filter > Filter Gallery > Cutout 8 5 2 Blend mode to Overlay
Layer 1 > Filter > Filter Gallery > Cross Hatch 12 12 1
Nice one Sam.

Here's another from me. Simpler and easier than the tutorial but about 6 layers.


The above sketching effect used on the top layer set to overlay is the charcoal filter. I decided to try a sketch effect on the woman I uploaded above. Th charcoal did not work on her, but the graphic pen filter set to soft light did a good job. Both have reduced opacity layers. If you want them, I'll outline the steps.


Incidentally, I made the sketch layers into smart objects so I could adjust the filters if I wanted and because it provides a filter mask. So, for instance, if I don't like the line effect on her neck or want to remove it from anywhere on the "drawing," I can do so by painting black on the layer mask of the filter effect.
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Thx Guys, both look quite pretty. ibclare can you share the step by step instructions on how to achieve the effect?
I did this with befunky.com and that's me. I used random effects and some frames.


  • BeFunky_BeFunky_14.jpg
    101.6 KB · Views: 27
Hi v-2nas, Just edited my post and added an adjusted woman effect. I hope you don't mind waiting for my written tutorial on this as I am heading to bed. I have to work tomorrow so I'm not sure what kind of time I'll have. I think I can get to it no problem. Just a slight chance it will have to wait till the day after.
Your image de saturated, duplicated top layer inverted then light lowered a little.
Merged those layers then duplicated again, then used sketch/graphic pen set at overlay played around with light and darkness settings, enjoy.

Very nice Paul.

This is Photoshop! So many ways to achieve the same thing.

Here the steps I used for my interpretation:
  • Duplicate your original layer (base layer) and desaturate it (image>adj>desat; make 4 more duplicates and just leave them alone for now.
  • Move one duplicate base layer/BL to the top. Use filter>stylize>glowing edges. Invert (ctl/cmd + I). Go to Layer>new fill>color; click grey and choose a slightly darker one on the color picker. Set this layer to Hard Light. You can skip the fill color layer if you want to experiment.
  • Merge or copy merge these two layers. Change to Hard Light and set opacity of layer to 95% (prob. could stay at 100% or go lower, but this is what I chose). Be sure to turn off the visibility or move the original glowing edges and color fill layer below the BL.
  • Move another BL to top and set to overlay 80%.
  • Move another BL to top; add filter>stylize>find edges. Set to Soft Light at 60%.
  • Move 4th BL to top; right click on layer and choose make smart object. Add charcoal filter and set to overlay at 50%. Here you can use the filter mask to further alter the effects of the charcoal filter.

Play around with these steps. For the woman I added some masks for deleting effects and painting highlights on the neck as it got lost in the filter effect. For her I used the graphic pen filter under sketch. Depending on your source image, you may need to play with the filters, the layer blend modes and opacities, etc.
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For this, I skipped the find edges step and changed some of the layer opacities. Try the find edges filter and use it just to see the effect it has. I also duplicated the final layer and used the graphic pen instead of the charcoal. If you like a certain layers effect, try upping the opacity or duplicating that layer. If it is a bit much, turn down the opacity of the duplicated layer until you get the effect you desire.


Another option using both graphic pen and charcoal and using filter mask to reveal eyes and some detail on nose and lips. Also changed some effect opacities. When you use the smart object, each effect has a symbol on the right. Right click on this and choose layer blending options -- just to confuse you more! Very similar versions. This one has hatchmarks.

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