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How i do this?


hi, i want to do this for do a adhesive! how do I do this format in photoshop?

Ps: If you can attach the file "psd" as just a square made I thank you!

Tnk's all...

With Photoshop you would have to use the pen tool to draw a parallelogram. Take the pen tool, make a point then get the angle you want for the next point at the top, then the length and back down until you get back to your starting point. If you don't know how to use the pen tool, find a tutorial for it and learn how it works, then you can make this. It would probably be easier to do in Illustrator as PS has limited node manipulation ability. Try this one http://www.melissaevans.com/tutorials/how-to-use-photoshops-pen-tool
Good luck
The polygon lasso tool can be useful for a simple shape like this. I suppose you could also use the shape tool and skew/distort it . . . Just to mention a couple alternate methods.
