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how do you do this effect?

There was a few tutorials around for a while explaining that... but I can't remember where they were.

The basic idea is that you take a large image, run filter > pixelate > mosaic on it. Set the size of the mosaic to whatever even number you like that looks good but bear in mind that you'll need to remember that for the next step. Now take a LOT of other images and copy them over to the mosaic image on new layers, cropping each to the size you used for the mosaic filter. So if you used mosaic at 80px... then you need to have a whole bunch of 80px x 80px images to work with (resize, crop, whatever). Then set the blending mode for the small pics to "luminocity" (or merge them all into a layer and set that to luminocity). The background pic will show through but have the detail of the foreground pictures.

Good luck... it's a fun technique, but it takes foreeverrrr heh.

There are commercial programs that can do it too... but that would require spending money on software, and if you already have photoshop... I'd just use that. heh
