This is a very interesting problem, but unfortunately, I don't know of a simple semi-automatic process that will do what you want.
Possibility #1
I found the thread that I was thinking about:
Unfortunately, my memory was not correct. In that thread, the OP wanted the opacity of the circles to vary, not their size, so the information therein is only marginally applicable to your question.
Possibility #2
Take a look at:
This type of software is used in industrial applications, e.g., what is the best best way to cut 100 circles (of specified sizes) out of a piece of starting material with a specified shape (eg, a face-shape minus the eyes, nose, mouth, etc.). It currently is being discussed on a different thread in this forum.
Unfortunately, it is unlikely that the layout of the circles that such software comes up with will have the regularity of the example image you posted.
Possibility #3
You could start by manually drawing a couple dozen paths on the face in such a way that they don't cross each other and contour around the mouth, eyes, nose, etc.
You then could distribute the a variety of larger circles on each of these paths as described here: (scroll to the middle sections of the article)
You could then use the software described in #2, above, to fill in the regions not already filled in by the circles distributed on the various paths.
This technique would give the best of both worlds - some regularity and some fractal-like self similarity.
Possibility #4
This approach is conceptually the simplest but the most labor intensive: Do it completely manually in PS. It will probably give you the best results, but one would have to be very dedicated to see it to completion.
Possibility #5
Finally, you might hear about the famous mathematical problem called: "circle packing", e.g., and
Like #1 and #2, these algorithms are not likely to give you the regularity seen in the sample image you posted.
Hopefully, someone may stop by who will have a better answer than any of the above.
Tom M