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How do you change a white to transparent?


New Member
I have a simple thing to do and its driving me crazy. I have a black and white image which I have changed to bitmap and now I want to change all the white to transparent so that I can drop in different coloured layers in the backround. I know there is a simple way to do this but have just forgotten. Can anyone help??
select your white area >copy>delete>paste it back>you have separate layers go to layer palette >opacity levels lower transparency on new layer save as a.gif or .png done.
btw be sure to delete background layer first
In my image there are large areas of black with white dots and visa versa so to select each dot will be a huge pain. Is there no way that I can say just replace all white with transparent?
depends on picture you can try using magic wand, select your white area then right click it > drop down menu>select similar you can try that then transform selection in drop down if it's not good enough
great glad it helped....... good luck!
