@Jerry-d and @HuckinFell Both of your outputs in this thread have been excellent. I would have PM-ed you but I thought it might help others like me as well.

Jerry mentioned he used colour correction. Could I bother you with how you did it?
When I tried using Selective Colour and Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layers, I could not judge how far and where I should stop the sliders. How would I know the combinations of what colours would get me to the desired colour?
My approach: I selected the wet area of the shoes and Curves did most of my job. I then went for Selective colour, which was probably unnecessary. Still unsatisfied, I added colour on top of the patch, changing Blending Mode to Colour. I finished it up with some Clone Stamping. This is what I have obtained:

I would love to learn from you guys. Anyone else who wants to contribute to my learning, please do so. Thank you.

Jerry mentioned he used colour correction. Could I bother you with how you did it?
When I tried using Selective Colour and Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layers, I could not judge how far and where I should stop the sliders. How would I know the combinations of what colours would get me to the desired colour?
My approach: I selected the wet area of the shoes and Curves did most of my job. I then went for Selective colour, which was probably unnecessary. Still unsatisfied, I added colour on top of the patch, changing Blending Mode to Colour. I finished it up with some Clone Stamping. This is what I have obtained:

I would love to learn from you guys. Anyone else who wants to contribute to my learning, please do so. Thank you.