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How do people color in this stuff?


Power User
I see a bunch of concept art, and it seems so easy for them to color in stuff, and make characters look good, but I can't do it... Idk why it's so hard. How do you use the brushes in a way that they are easier, cuz idk how. Anyone know any good descriptive tutorials?
I agree, it does look like a scan.

However to colour them is not that hard really. It's just a lot of work. Basically you need to select all the zones you want to cover Using your favourite selection tool, then colour them in.

My approach, off the top of my head would be:

1) Since this is high contrast black and white: select all the white zones with the magic wand. Save every selection.
2) Fill though selections with generic grey, probably a different layer for each selection so you have them all nicely organised.
3) use quick mask tool to refine those elections
4) draw some selections for the highlights and fill them with white
5) Create some overlay gradients along the outside edges of the character to give it a little depth and that 3-D look
6) refined by you think additional shadows, highlights, gradients are needed

I don't think there's a magic formula for this. It's just manual Labour.


Therer is no magic formula in doing this , no one style. Everything is up to you in how you do it. Like chris said - it's easy but takes a lot of work to do.

Here's a tute my daughter used in learning how to color her manga art. It discusses everything from scanning to preparation and coloring. Learn and take the procedures discussed one step further . ..... Photoshop Color Tutorial!

I like this tutorial... basic but concise....
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Here's a tute my daughter used in learning how to color her manga art. It discusses everything from scanning to preparation and coloring. Learn and take the procedures discussed one step further . ..... Photoshop Color Tutorial!
Excellent tutorial on the subject ! No more comments needed.

>one word..............STUDY............

Could add "work hard" ... and... "hang out here" !!
Please anyone tell me how i would be a Photoshop expert??

Hmmmm, the word practice comes to mind. For me, I've been doing photoshop for 5 plus years, (sorry, to old to remember that far back) and practice has made me what I am today.
Though I personally am not amazing I've watched my brother and you should try layering it, it seems to be his number 1 practice.
This took me 5 seconds. yes, it is pretty crappy but I did not want to waste a lot of time on it.

I basically took the fill tool and just clicked on most of the areas I wanted the color to go into I just quickly get some gradient stuff as well. For areas like the one around his neck and back, I used the magnetic lasso tool to select it and then I just filled it with a gradient. The whole process was real fast and this is a really crappy job, but you can do some cool stuff with art like this. To be honest with you, I wish I could draw this well. As a matter of fact, I would kill the draw this well but my talents do not seem to be in the area of comic art.

I swear, if I could be reborn again I would want to be Jack Kirby!

God bless,

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