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How do I....?


New Member
First of all, let me say this:
I am BRAND NEW to Photoshop, and am just starting to use the program. I only know some of the basics, but I wanna get to know this program and make some pretty sick pictures.

What filter or tool can I use to make a picture look like this, kinda like the light is shining from behind the head, but can see outline, but nothing like features, or anything in the background, but not pitch black in the background. I just wanna be able to make a picture just like this one:


Any help would be GREAT!

This is not a noob job, but here it goes:
Get a picture, select the shape of the guy (I recommend the use of the pen tool to do this, if you want great detail - choose the shape layer mode)
If not using the pen tool, create a new layer and fill that area with back.
Create a new layer beneath this one (Ctrl + click new layer button), deselect and fill with your desired background color. You can use layer effects on each of the two created layers to spice up the design - gradients, solid color fills, etc.

Hope it helped
