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Illustrator How do I stop my shapes from vanishing?


Please don't laugh, I'm sure this is pretty basic but I can't seem to work it out!!

I've drawn a number of shapes on a single layer. Sometimes I can see more of them, sometimes none. I want to be able to see all the shapes I've drawn!
Drawing ellipses too -how do you draw 2 in a row? I draw one, get it perfect then whatever I've tried so far, it seems to vanish out of existence when I go to draw the next one. Grrrr :cry:

are you using the shape tool or the selection tool sounds to me like your using the selection tool and not actually drawing a shape

Selection tool marked with letter A

Shape tool Letter B

of course you can make a selection then grab the paint bucket or a paint brush and fill the shape to make a shape but it will not be as flexible as usingthe actual shape tool
Ctrl Y worked thankyou!! I got a page full of shapes when I did that!
I'm only trying to draw outlines at the moment......
Or are you saving your work paths? If you are losing one after you make it, then you are not saving your work paths. To do that open the paths palette and double click on the path layer. Give it a name and you won't overwrite it.
