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how do i make this style?


Well-Known Member
can somone help me make the pic below? it looks cool and have some ideas to use it for my self if i can find out how to make it.
1) fill layer 1 with grid
2) fill layer 2 with orange
3) layer 3: with rectangular marquee, make a box the size of the outside of the border. Go>>Select>>Modify>>Smooth, about 5 px. Fill with new orange.
Go>>Select>>Modify>>Contract, by about 4 px. delete.
4) Select border layer, Go Edit>>Stroke , 1 px black, center.
5) Layer 4 :Make a selection of the *metal* part, fill with blue/grey.
6) Layer 5 : Make a blue/gry to white radial gradient, clip it to the metal layer.
7) Select metal layer, Go>> Edit>>Stroke ,1 px , black, center. Go>>Select>>modify>>contract by 2 or 3 px, Stroke again.ad the other 2 lines in the center with the pencil.
8) Layer 6 : Rectangular marquee tool, make a square in the upper left corner about 9 px by 100. Go Select>>Modify>>Smooth by 5 or so.
Fill with orange. Make the forground color White, and with a 2 px brush make a stripe across the center. Lock the layer and Guassian blur by 2. Unlock layer, and with the eraser, cut the round end on the right. Edit>>stroke 1 px, black, center.
9) Layer 7 : Repeat in upper right corner, a couple of pixels larger. (and the eraser is used on the left)
10) Layer 8 : select the center section, fill with purple, reduce opacity to suit.
Albeit Bob has provided quite a good set of instructions for you to "replicate" 3[ that image Scorpion... would you really rather just come up with your own "original" looking graphic?

Even if it's a variation on that one... i think it would be a better choice than copying it exactly. Try it! :righton:
