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How do I make this headpiece round instead of hexagonish?


Hi I was wondering if anyone could steer me in the right direction in order to edit the headpiece in this photo which I would like to be round rather than hexagonish (I know ... no such word ... but I couldn't think of how else to describe it :cheesygrin:).


I only have Photoshop CS6 without all the extensions. I have tried liquefy which is not only painstakingly slow and using a mouse it just ends up more bumpy, there are several colour variations in the piece that get messed up using this method. I've tried blur but the "points" are far too prominent for that to have the smooth circular effect I would like. Patch doesn't work either because the source is a straight line and not curved. I've googled myself to death but I cannot find anything with a similar application to follow. Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you.
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Well slightly better than beginner and not quite intermediate methinks. Been having another go with liquefy which is better this time but still looks a bit like an old bicycle inner tube lols.
In the method I used you'll need to use the pen tool.

- Use the pen tool to make a selection of the circle (not quite a circle BTW)
- Press CTRL+J to place it on his own layer.
- Choose the right color and select the circle layer by pressing CTRL+ thumbnail. You'll see the 'marching ants' around the selecting. Press ALT+DEL if the choosen color is the foregroundcolor. Now the circle is filled with the choosen color.
- Select the circle layer and press CTRL+J to duplicate it.
- Go to select/modify/contract and fill 15 px then press enter. The second circle is now a lot more narrow. Fill it with white (make sure white is the foregroundcolor and press ALT+DEL)
- Press CTRL+D to deselect the second circle (no marching ants)
- Go to filter/blur/gaussianblur and there you'll have to experiment how much blur to apply.

If pieces of the original circle are showing make the original layer active and remove those pieces with the clone stamp tool.

There are many ways to this but I tried to pick the easiest one.

Good luck.
Aww thank you so much. I will scrub my "inner tube" version and do your method. Much appreciated ... it's been driving me nuts how to do it.
Glad I could help.
Be sure to come back and show us your version!
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Thanks again ... PS ... you should have seen how many versions hit the trash but it's 3.00 am and probably not the best time to have done it but after days of struggling with it I just wanted it done.
I'm going to show you quickly another way to do this: (but still, the pen tool is essential in PS!)


Use two guidelines vertical and two horizontal with the same width


Use the elliptical marquee tool and go to the top left intersection.
Press SHIFT and hold. Pull to the bottom right. Holding the shift key will constrain the proportions of the selection.
You've got now a perfect circle.


Still with the elliptical marquee tool go the the intersection below.
Press and hold ALT and drag to the bottom right. Here you'll have to aim a bit because pressing ALT will not constrain the proportions. (Pressing ALT and holding will substract from the existing selection.


Press CTRL+J to place the selection on his own layer.

You can now go on with filling it with your color, duplicate it the way I've told you in this thread.
When done add a layer mask and with a hard brush, brush away the opening in the circle.


I tried to explain it as simple as I could. I hope it makes sense.

Good luck.
I forgot to say the circle in your picture is not a perfect circle so make it fit using free transform tool.
Oh thanks ... that's a really cool way to do it ... had I known in advance how much trouble I was going to have with that headpiece I probably would have just alpha'd that section off it before I even took the photo because it wasn't made well to start with. But you did a good job explaining ... 'tis skill I lack .. and practice ... I've only been using photoshop for my last 8 photos (or about 10 days ago) even though it's been on my computer for a year lols .. and none of the things I did presented such a challenge. I'm determined to get better at it and with help like yours and gedstar make it a lot easier.
