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how do i make a face shorter


New Member

id like to make a face look vertically shorter with photoshop.

when i use the transform (with shift) command it distorts things so that it looks like the face is sloping down. is there a better way to do this.

basically id like to make the face shorter without geting the odd proportions that im getting now

tahkn you
When using free transform, distorting is what you are doing. The only way I can think of would be to de-construct the face and put it back together. This will be a very involved process.
You`d have to remove a row of a pixel or two, move down a few pixels and remove another row...all the way down the face and then put all the sections back together, blending all the seams.
In the fullness of time, all things are possible.
Whether it`s too hard to try or not would depend on how important this is to you to get this done. It will be time consuming. How are you at blending ?
To do it, you would have to get the face on it`s own layer. Then decide how much shorter you want to face to be. 20% ? You`ll need to measure the face and remove 20% of the pixels, Cut each section created to a new layer, move them together, and blend the seams.
Some hand painting may be necessary, too.
Could you post the picture?
If the face was not shot parralel to the focus plane (the forehead closer to the camera than the mouth, for instance), simply distorting it might make it look even more tilted.
Yes, like Spectre said, show us an example. Btw, why do want to make the face shorter? \:/
If you mean this..(see attached)
make a selection with the circle or rectangle tool around the area you want to squish.
Then with the transform tool grab (do not shift-key) grab the middle handle and pull down.
I had the persons image on its own layer so it squishes easyly.
