OK, as an example, start with a picture of a brightly lit white house as the background (ie, starting, base, lowest) layer in Photoshop:
Duplicate the layer, and apply the Camera Raw tool with the following settings to reduce the contrast and reduce the saturation:
The result will look something like this:
Next, put a "levels" adjustment layer on top of the layers stack to add a overall color cast that is a slightly orange-ish yellow. Here are the adjustments needed:

The net result of the previous ACR tweak and the levels adjustment is:
There are lots of ways to add such a color cast. The levels method is just one of them.
As the final step, we are going to add the orange band across the top. To do this we place an orange "Color Fill" layer on top of the layer stack, and then, to only have it work on the top of the image, put a layer mask like this on it:
The net result of all of the above steps is:
...which compares reasonably well to the image you posted.
This may seem like a lot of tedious steps, but once you get used to working systematically, this way, it goes extremely fast. For example, it probably took me only about a minute or two to do all the photoshop work, but 15 minutes to get the screen shots and write up this post, LOL.
Tom M
PS - If you want the PSD file so that you can work through the above steps, let me know and I'll put it on Dropbox. It's 9 Megs and too big to upload to the forum.