"Fill the Background Layer with 55% gray. Get the Type Tool and type "A". Set font to a favorite of yours, i’m gonna use Bauhaus 93 font and gonna set font size to 200 pt. Set Text Color to 40% gray. Rename the layer as "Text", this will be important later."
I understood how to do it 5% color,but can't understand what the author of this tutorial meant by "set text color to 40% gray".I mean how do i make it 40% or something?
Here is the tutorial.
w ww.psawesome.com/tutorials/colorful-plexi-text-effect-using-photoshop
I understood how to do it 5% color,but can't understand what the author of this tutorial meant by "set text color to 40% gray".I mean how do i make it 40% or something?
Here is the tutorial.
w ww.psawesome.com/tutorials/colorful-plexi-text-effect-using-photoshop