I am looking for some help putting together a scavenger hunt. I would like to take a scanned or digital copy of a treasure map and randomly select 1/3 of it at a time to make 3 distinct layers which could then be printed on overhead transparencies. The scavengers would receive the 3 different transparencies throughout the scavenger hunt and then must overlay and align them to form the treasure map (I hope I'm making this clear.) It is too painstaking to individually select a pixel at a time and create a new layer from about a 1/3 of the original map. I need an action or some way to randomly select 1/3 of the map at a time, without reusing previously selected pixels. Each layer must be formed randomly enough so that no single map overlay is usable without the other two.
As a side note, I use Photoshop 7.0 and have a beginner-to-intermediate skill level with it.
As a side note, I use Photoshop 7.0 and have a beginner-to-intermediate skill level with it.