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How can I turn a treasure map into 3 randomly selected layers?


New Member
I am looking for some help putting together a scavenger hunt. I would like to take a scanned or digital copy of a treasure map and randomly select 1/3 of it at a time to make 3 distinct layers which could then be printed on overhead transparencies. The scavengers would receive the 3 different transparencies throughout the scavenger hunt and then must overlay and align them to form the treasure map (I hope I'm making this clear.) It is too painstaking to individually select a pixel at a time and create a new layer from about a 1/3 of the original map. I need an action or some way to randomly select 1/3 of the map at a time, without reusing previously selected pixels. Each layer must be formed randomly enough so that no single map overlay is usable without the other two.

As a side note, I use Photoshop 7.0 and have a beginner-to-intermediate skill level with it.

If it`s in color, use the Magic wand and adjust the tolerance til it works.
Thank you for the response, but the map is in black and white. And even if I were to use a color map, making separations by color would not allow enough of a random element to keep each of the 3 transparency map components unusable on its own. The 3 map 'layers' must be combined to make a meaningful map. How can I randomly select approximately 1/3 of the original image (a treasure map) at a time to create 3 individual images which I can print on to transparency sheets which can then be overlaid to reform the treasure map?

Welcome Dan 8))

Why don't you just keep it simple and select one part with the lasso or polygonal lasso tool, then press CTRl+X (edit/cut) to cut it and paste it one a new layer and then continue with the rest of the map? Just make sure that the layer is not locked, double click on it in the layers palette if you have to.
I think I know what you ar talking about. Simply cutting and pasting would leave "holes" the shape of the object you cut out in the lower parts of the map. Try using the cut and paste options, and cloning over the gaps on the bottom layer. Make sure that you select everything you want on a layer, and just have three layers. When you are done, Hide the top two layers and save the file as the file type you wish to print. Next, Hide the first and third layer, and Save As. Next, hide the bottom two layers and Save As. This will give you three images that you can print on transparencies and overlap. Remember to clone over the cut parts, or you will have gaps. Hope this helps and wasn't too late... :)
chillman said:
I think I know what you ar talking about. Simply cutting and pasting would leave "holes" the shape of the object you cut out in the lower parts of the map.

But isn't it that he wants to cut the map in mutliple pieces, like pieces of a puzzle? I don't understand why in that case cutting pasting wouldn't work or am I missing something Chillman? \:/
Thank you for the responses. I've tried numerous selection techniques and have even mastered working with 3 different layers--hiding all but the one in work as I go. My desired result is not so much puzzle piece shapes on each transparency as rather just a random scattering of pixels that when carefully aligned with the other transparencies will reform the original map. The map will of necessity have some street names and landmarks on it so I would like only portions of these words to appear on each transparency (layer) so the scavenger hunters will not readily recognize the target area until they've collected all 3 portions of the map. The closest I've come to my desired results is to use distortions (spirals, warps, etc.) on mask layers to select about a 1/3 at a time, but even this left too much of the map recognizable. Again, I would prefer to randomly select individual pixels or small pixel clusters of 3-10 pixels at a time.

I really appreciate all the input and help. And it is all in plenty of time--the scavenger hunt is not scheduled until October 2007. I am just trying to improve my Photoshop skills so I can provide a really cool set of maps for the hunt.


Just so you know, the Magic wand will also work on greyscale. Uncheck Contiguous, and set the Tolerence to 150 or so and see what you get. If there are still areas that are too identifyable, cut them up with the selection tool of your choice and paste them into different layers.
He could use render clouds and then image/adjustements/posterize with a value of 3, that would divide the image in 3 pieces, not connected though, but I wonder if that's important. The pieces can then be selected with the magic wand.
So you get a little bit this idea. Just pressing Ctrl+F ofr example will re-apply the clouds filter (if it's the last filter that was being used) and the adjustement posterize layer will automatically posterize it. It might not be what you want, but maybe we're slowly going in the right direction. ;)
I guess I was thinking he has an image that he wants to break up into three layers and not be able to see items on the bottom layer until they found the next layer. As they laid the new transparent layer down, the images would be visible. If he just cut and pated them onto a new layer, there would be "holes" the shape of what was removed. If I get a chance, I'll post an image of what I am talking about.
