I like ctl/cmd Z myself. And throw in the alt/opt key as well. Just kidding ... Kinda.
One thing that helps me is to set up my own workspace so that it is efficient. So for instance, given the kind of work I do, my only open panels are layers, history, and swatches, one overlapping the other. Then I organize paths, channels, characters, brushes, etc., and dock them, so those I use most start at the bottom. And I get rid of the ones that I rarely or never use.
I definitely use as many keyboard shortcuts as possible. I even read the really basic tips people post here, since even if they're really basic, sometimes I come across one I didn't know.
Save. Save in the many aspects. Save your work as you go. Save states of your work or keep originals and merge copy. Sometimes I'll have for instance 8 layers, and want to steer in a different direction or make some major change, so I'll merge copy those 8 layers and put them in a group (maybe name it "not in use" or originals") or just turn off the eyes and place them below a background layer. If the document gets to a certain point, I might even do a save as and make a whole new psd so I can experiment and make as many changes as I want, yet still have all my original work.
Well, my mind is drifting and my eyes are blurring, so if I think of anything else I'll add it tomorrow, though I don't know if this is anything like what you need. Meantime, stop banging your head on the wall; you're giving me one mean headache! :mrgreen: